Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Alright kids, I know its what you've all been waiting for......


I realize I've been in school for almost 2 months now and haven't shown anyone back home my work. At first, I didn't want to and wanted to wait till the end, or try to find some website to put them on where people can't jack my shit, BUT I'm too excited about them I just wanna put them out there. 

You can check them out on my 
<------flickr over there on this page. 

as well as other stuff I've shot (mostly from last year). 

Note: They are very high in contrast (dark) because of the lighting in my apartment. They are better right in front of you of course, but once I get the time and start to develop a portfolio they will be 10x better. 

Enjoy, and feel free to leave me feedback (even if you totally hate them).


We watched a video on Jenny Holzer. She does these bad ass text portraits, using HUGE projections onto buildings, water, stairs, windows, trees, you name it. A+

I will be seeing a lecture given by Jodi Adams and Curtis Mann



Saturday, October 10, 2009


I didn't think living without an ID would be this bad. 
I can't go out with anyone.
No one wants to come chill.
I can't even go see some music anywhere.
No one wants to do anything period unless it involves a club. 

He barely talks to me anymore.
I don't know if he's really busy or if he thinks I'm tryin to holler at him, but all I wanted to do was hang. 

I keep getting blown off and I don't know why.


At least I'm trying.

I just need to try harder. 

I'm just going to bury myself in school.

It's the only thing I want to do.

I miss you, Omaha.