Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today was probably one of the greatest days.

Sleepin in.
Layin in bed watchin Fresh Prince.
Bomb food.
and Family.



The madness is coming....


Sunday, November 23, 2008


Though some may be great, and some may be small, we fail to realize what or who they are until they're right in front of us, staring us in the face.

I'm a strong believer in fate, and words like "meant to be," and "everything happens for a reason," but the same question always arises, "How do you know?" It can be a haunting thing that we think about constantly if we allow ourselves to worry and think about it too much. And even though we may never know the answer, we can't help but wonder. That connection we thought was once gone forever comes back to us and we are completeley in awe.

My heart actually jumped, my stomach filled with butterflies, and I couldn't believe who was right in front of me. I was standing in the entry way of a random house party I got invited to. There were people all around me, some I recognized, and some I had never seen before in my life. With a beer in one hand, and my purse in the other I took a second to absorb everything in and observe my surroundings. I turned to my right looking into the kitchen and I saw someone that looked familiar. For a second I thought I was going crazy.....literally. Half drunk and half baked out of my mind and I thought I was seeing things. I took at least 3 double takes before I slowly started creeping forward to him. I had this look on my face that had confusion and "what the fuck" written all over it, not sure if I was about to make a fool of myself when I was finally standing next to him looking him dead in the eyes.
It was Thom. It was really him. He was supposed to be in Georgia going to school, and living the dream, but instead he was here right in front of me. I got this crazy feeling in my stomache, something I hadn't felt in a long time. My first response was of course, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" He said he was back home for break and that he just got in town an hour before. My mind was going crazy. For the first time in a long time I was completely in shock. My spirits were unbelievably lifted after that. Here he was, this guy I'd known since I was 15, one of my oldest friends at that, and I was so happy to see him. Even though there was a lot of people around we still got a chance to talk and smoke a bowl and catch up. He told me that he used to live here and that Sean now lives in his room upstairs in the attic. It all came together so quickly in my mind.
I woke up the next morning at 9:30 wide awake and couldn't go back to sleep. I was hungover and in a daze the whole day, but I was motivated to seize the day. I went home and cleaned my room, my car, the basement, and did a lot of laundry. I took the time to organize my cd's picking up Common's "Be" and puting the cd back in the case. When I opened it all I saw was "Cottage Grove." It was a street sign for the same street I was on the night before. Coincidence?
Afterwards I went to work out with my sister and when I got home I wasn't even tired. I took a shower and when I got done getting dressed I got a phone call.

Its crazy how fast time flys by and when you look back on it, it feels like yesterday....

I went to Aaron, Aaron, and Nate's show and Thom came with me. I had the best time ever and we didn't even really do anything the whole night. They didn't play till last (of course) and we got there early looking around at the art on the walls and ending up sitting on a couch talking while I was watching him draw various people we saw, using my notebook I carry around with me. He started to write something and when I asked what he said, "I'm writing to you, don't look!"
I felt as though time was on pause, and it didn't matter what did or didn't happen next.
They put on a good show with the little space and the little time they had to practice. Upon leaving I dropped Thom off at Sean's where him and some people went to the casino. I left feeling content and ended up at Collin's house where he was throwing a party. I ended up seeing a few people from highschool I hadn't seen in damn near 3yrs. I walked down the basement filled with writings all over the walls and I saw Ali's name in her handwriting. I was faced with yet another coincidental thing I randomly saw right in front of me.
I waited till I got home before I read what Thom wrote me. It was exactly what I needed and brought a smile to my face.
It's crazy how things pan out. Some people you never see again whereas others keep finding their way back into your life. I love it. Connections...sometimes right in front of your eyes, just gotta open them a little wider once in awhile and look the fuck around.

paz y amor

Monday, November 17, 2008

Whatever Happened to Dinosaurs

Saturday, November 22
The Foundry
5 dolla


Aaron Gloyne, Aaron Hansen, & Nate Soto.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Holiday Season


It's that time of year again...
Time for demanding customers,
angry customers,
lines out the doors of the store,
hot and sweaty runnin around everywhere,
clothes thrown all over the place,
xmas lights,
warm nights by the fire,
black friday,
and people spendin money all over the place.

This year could be different. I saw this video the other day. It's kind of depressing, but its pretty acurate. From my experience working in retail for the holiday season the past 5 yrs it has always been exciting and absolutely crazy all at the same time. I used to hate it so much and dread everything that comes along with it like standind at a register for hours doing the same thing over and over again, listening to people bitch and complain, but this is my 3rd year working at Gap for the holiday and I just love everything about it. I can't believe I'm sayin this but I really love my job there. lol It's like my 2nd family almost. This year is the last one in Omaha, the last time I'll see everyone home from college and it makes me sad, but I can't wait to see everyone. It's going to be awesome.'s this video I saw that kinda brings a damper on the season, but with the way the economy is....damn.


Dec 20
I will FINALLY get a chance to live out of my house for 6months with Dobel, Jade and Neil on 41st & Davenport. I'm so fuckin excited!

This past week I worked a total of 72hrs. That shit was rough. I have no idea how I did it, but I did. I almost broke down and wanted to cry, but I didn't. I have a feeling that this is gunna happen often because of the holidays and I hope I can get through it.

I got a lot of new pics on the myspace. check it ouuuuuut!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Upcoming Events

Dec 4
The Imperial Nutcracker
The Rose Theater
$29 and up

Dec 12-14
Orpheum Theater
$28 and up

Feb 28
Orpheum Theater
$19 and up


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Schedule for the day:
8am-4pm OMax.
4:15-4:30 Went into the Gap to pick up my "Vote for___" shirt.
4:30 Voted at Aldrich Middle School.
4:30-5:45 Ironed on letters for my t-shirt, sat around talked about politics with both my mom and dad.
6:00pm arrive at the bar for a crazy fuckin night.

First off, this song was stuck in my head ALLLL DAYYY and I kept singing it for everyone. (just the Obama part of course) =]

Naturally, I was asking everyone all day yesterday if they had voted and if they hadn't to encourage them to go out and do so. You would be surprised at all the feedback I got from everyone. The majority of the people that came into Office Max had voted already, strictly Republicans bashing Obama, (including a good 10 people I work with). I tried not to get involved too much, but apparently no one reminded me of the saying, "There are two things you don't talk about, politics and religion." Throughout the day I didn't say much only said a few statements here and there, but when the majority of the people you work with are strict Republicans you can't tell them shit.

When I got off work I went into the Gap to decorate my free "Vote for_____" shirt that was given to every employee. We had to wear it if we were working that day and I wasn't but I still wanted to wear it. They had iron on letters and a peace sign patch decorated in the American flag that I put on. After that I went to go vote for the first time EVER. I was really excited, and even though it wasn't all I thought it up to be in made me feel really good. It went by really quick and I afterwards I felt so relieved. My mom and I both voted for Obama, while my dad voted for Mccain. When I got home I spelled out Change, ironed it on my shirt and went to work.

When I walked into the bar I got nothin but stares and glares. Only 3 people mentioned anything about my shirt the whole night. Heather was the first saying, "Did you get in trouble for wearing that today?" No.... "Oh well I heard you get in trouble if you wear and Obama shirt to the polls." My shirt doesn't say anything about Obama, it says "Vote for Change" and I didn't wear it to the polls. She began to tell me a story about some girl she saw on the news that wore an Obama shirt in to vote and was kicked out until she changed her shirt. That just sounded ridiculous. What happened to freedom of speech? I understand its promoting Obama and that your'e not supposed to suid people either way,'s a fuckin shirt, and....isn't that the point?
The 2nd & 3rd people to say anything abotu my shirt was a couple I waited on when I first got there. The lady had asked me where I got it and said she saw it on Oprah. I explained to her that I work for the Gap and we got them for free and that she probably could've got one for free also since we didn't sell any of them and ended up passing them out to customers. She told me it was really cool and that of course ,"People listen to Oprah."
CNN and Fox News were both playing on all of our tv's the whole night. CNN was only on 2 out of the 15, 16 tv's we have. It was interesting to see the separation between people and how outrageously Republican that bar is. I went around asking people if they had voted and the majority took one look at my shirt and immediately hated on me saying, "You voted for Obama didn't you," "One day youll wake up and realize," "Obama hates America," and even a CLASSIC, "You're stupid," was thrown out there. I felt overwhelmed and didn't want to say too much. There were also a good handful of people I talked to that WEREN'T EVEN REGISTERED. The same people that come in there every Tuesday complaining about their jobs, the economy, their wages, and they're not even registered to vote? Get the fuck outta here and shut up! How can you sit there and complain when you dont even wanna have a say in it?? Ridiculoussss!

Once the polls were up for Nebraska I was amazed.
Mccain 57%
Obama 41%
The majority of those votes for Obama came from Douglas, Lancaster, Saline, and Thurston Countys ALONE! Thats fuckin crazy you guys! Even though Nebraska is still a red state, we really made a difference here. I am just so exstatic about this. The only thing that pisses me off is the Affirmative Action law. Apparently we still have some racist mother fuckers. (58% yes, 42% no) Ridiculous.
When you take a look at the National reports its outrageous.
56% Female.
49% Male.
66% Between the ages of 18-29.
We made history yesterday and it was all of us standing up for what we believe in and it feels sooooo fuckin good.

After Obama was announced President I was standing next to one of the regulars that comes into the bar all the time, Geoff. It happened to be his birthday and all of his friends (more regulars) were all gathered together. I was waiting on all of them the whole night, making sure I was on top of it and making sure they were takin care of at all times. I turned to Geoff and said, "See I told you, I told you it was gunna happen, It's all over." He turned to me and went off, angry saying, "No thats bull shit, Obama wants to get rid of small businesses, thats ME, Obama wants to fuck ME over." I wasn't sure what to say without making him even more mad and just said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say." Apparently he spit in the trash can and walked out. His friend cashed out a little later and gave her tab to Dawn saying, "Make sure you keep this, this is for you, don't give any to Kramer she made Geoff mad on his birthday." WHAT THE FUCK! I'm sorry for voicing my opinion, I'm sorry I was given the right TO SPEAK MY OPINION and you want to sit there and be drunk and ignorant and not tip me because of that? Fuck that. That's the pettiest thing I've ever come across and I was livid. I left not long after that I couldn't stand it anymore. Everyone started bickering, an old man walked out after saying all of us demorats and the youth were stupid, that we didnt know anything, that he served in WWII and blah blah blah. You don't know how much I wanted to tell him and everyone in that bar to fuck off. This country needs a change, America has spoken, get over your ignorance and your racism and help support Obama. I was so angry after I left there. I came home and had to sit and talk to my mom for a little bit before I could go to sleep.

Watching Obama's speech in Grant Park made me wanna cry. I was so overjoyed and wished I could have been there. You have no idea. Take a look at these pictures! They are really amazing and touched me in a way I can't describe. You can see more at
