Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Step right this way, alright. Smile big for me now!"

I have finally found a new job!! Well, another job. Unfortunately it doesn't pay as well, but I am there for the experience, and from what I've seen so far, it seems like it will be a really fun job for the summer. 
I found this company called Photogenic on craigslist, thought it sounded cool, so I sent an email with my resume attached. I didn't hear anything back for like a week, but was invited to a group interview. At the interview I met some really cool people and ended up getting hired! :)
Basically, the job in a nutshell is taking tourist pictures of people. The cool thing about this is they're stationed on 3 different boats at Navy Pier (one of which you actually get to ride on the cruise FO FREE!) and also at the Ferris Wheel.  The other locations include The Hancock Building, The Sears (Willis) Tower, and The Museum of Science. EVEN COOLER THING ABOUT THIS IS.....I've never been to any of these places except the pier, and the first time I do I can get in free? Helllll yeaaah! Sometimes I can also get free cruises for my friends and family too. Sweeet!
I will officially start next week! I am currently still looking for a job at a club or some high end restraunt downtown as well so I can finally leave Office Max. It is doing nothing for me except giving me a headache and making me angry. 
I had applied to the Cubby Bear in Wriggleyville a couple weeks ago and was rudely told to "get some more experience," so that didn't work out. I was so bummed. I really wanted to work there. I was talking to a girl who used to work there and she said she'd pull in $500 in an 8hr shift sometimes on game days or weekend in the summer. Isn't that insane??!! 
For now I'm just going to keep my head up and try to stay positive. I've been feeling real shitty lately, and I hope this new job is just the boost I need. 

On a different note.......

I love this picture. 

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