Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I FINALLY got a chance to develop some of my black & whites from Chicago. It took me a little over 2 and half hours to do, but I'm glad I got some up. So go check that shit out on my facebook or my
I was really happy with the way these turned out. I still have a ton more and still need to get the color ones developed. Wooop.

The last 3 nights, I haven't made shit at the bar. I was all stoked to work by myself tonight and the tornadoes fucked it all up! I was really gettin scared for a little bit. They were literally down the street from my house. FUUUCKK!

I have an interview for Omaha Night Life for a photography position on Friday. We'll see how that goes. I don't really need a 3rd it all depends on how much they pay.

I don't really have anything else to say....=/

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