Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update of current events:

Working this much is really starting to catch up with me. I feel really good waking up and going to a job everyday making money and knowing that I'm doing the right thing right now. At the same time, it's wearing me out (physically and mentally). A few days ago I developed what I thought was a blister on my foot. I thought it was just from my shoes, but it has gotten worse the past 2 days. I worked 8-4, then 6-930 both Thursday and Friday. It's really put a strain on my foot. I was limping both days. Since I've been doing that, its causing a strain on my muscle in my leg that I dont normally use. It hurts really bad. Since I am no longer on my parents insurance, I don't have ANY. Office Max offers some, I'm just waiting on the paper work to go through. Hopefully it is soon because if this keeps up....I could be in trouble with ALLLLL of my jobs.

Housing situation is coming along slowly. We looked at a house on Thursday and fell in love with it. Its only $700 a month for a 4 bedroom, possible 5th, 2 full bath + shower, living room and dining room wood floors, sun room, kitchen, back porch and front. The lease is either a 10month (perfect for me) or a year. We decided to just jump on it and filled out applications yesterday. I went down to fill mine out after work and when I arrived, no one was there. I walked around said, "Hello" a few times and no one answered. Not even 5 mins later their alarm started going off. I didnt know what the fuck to do so I had to stay there so no one would think I was tryin to rob the place. Two cops showed up and asked me questions and ended up being pretty nice and didnt accuse me of anything and really just seemed like they didnt wanna be there. An hr later, the guy showed up and gave me an application and said I could bring it back tomorrow. (After waiting around for an hr I was very impatient) I asked him if I could fill it out now and give it to him and told him that we wanted this house and have the money for the downpayment, and are ready to move in ASAP. He said hes gotten a lot of applications and showing for this house and said we could meet today and go over things. SO were meeting with him today HOPEFULLY (cross your fingers for us!) we will get this house. I really hope this works out. If it doesnt, well have to start all over again and I dont think it'd even be worth it after this month.

Everything else is pretty much in the air. Goin with the flow and ready for whatever comes next. I dont even have time to care about anything except for me and my dream. I havent been smoking or drinking that much at all and its amazing how clear my head is and how clear I see everything around me. I'm not saying those things are bad or anything, but after doing them for so long and living a certain lifestyle and then changing and living the lifestyle without them, its completely different. I dont know if that makes sense to anyone...I just feel really good about everything right now. (Financially, and friend-wise....romantically is a different story)

Enjoy the beautiful day today!

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