Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So....I got some new prints!! yayayay! You can check them out on my faceboook or my photobucket----->
I took a lot of pictures at the Qwest Center last Saturday for the Berkshire Hathaway Event and I'm thinkin I could do a little Dylan Vitone action and paste some things together and make that my final project. It would be really cool, and I'm really stoked about it, cuz I have like 2 rolls from that. The next thing I still have to do is motion (which is killing me...I have no idea what to do) and portraits. It's gunna be tricky, I just have to step out of my comfort zone, get some balls, and just ask people if I can photograph them. I always feel weird and uncomfortable for some reason, and I shouldn't at all. So I'm thinkin I'll photograph people at the bar, the regulars, and a bunch of drunk guys that wouldn't care at all. We also have to do a self portait. That is gunna be sooo difficult for me. I have no idea what I will do.
Signed up for Experimental Photography 2 days ago. I think it starts June 5 or 6, somethin like that. I'm really excited for that class. We're gunna do so much crazy shit. AND I get to use my lomo camera!!
Now all I need to do is sign up for the ballet & pointe class.
I'm gunna be busy busy busy this summer. I can't wait.


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