Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bring the Noise


FINALLY got these hooked up and installed yesterday. I got them on Sunday from my friend Aaron that I work with. These speakers are originally $650 EACH, (for the front and back). Aaron sold both of them to me for $500. I talked to my dad and told him I'd pay half. The first thing he asked me was "Why do you need new speakers?" I told him my speakers have been blown for almost 2yrs now. He said, "What do you mean? How?" I told him Nate blew all of them, and his response (I shit you not) was "Well why don't you make Nate pay for them then." HAH. Anyway, Aaron said he'd install them for me for free, and my dad wanted him to install them first and then he'd pay. Of course knowing my dad he had to be a dick about it and didn't trust Aaron or me and thought the speakers wouldn't work, thought we could get them cheaper at best buy, and didn't even want to pay him till everything was installed. (Dumb....ass) THAT really pissed me off. So I went over to Aaron's and he told me he couldn't install them. I was really bummed out. I showed Kurt and he said he could probably do it. The next day he started taking apart my speakers, nd realized he couldn't do them either. Brandon's brother works at Metro Audio Dynamics and he said I could get them installed professionally for $50. I decided to do that and took them there yesterday. They told me I needed an amp otherwise my whole system was gunna sound like shit and there was no point for them to even put them in. The amp itself was only $200, with all of the wiring and labor work I was up to $600 by the time they got done adding everything up. WHAT THE FUUUUCKKK!!! So I was waiting around allllllll day for my car to be done, couldn't really go anywhere, and got my car back around 9pm. It took them damn near 10hrs to install them.....BUT OMG do they sound FUCKIN AMAZING!! I literally sat in my car for 2hrs playing all of my cds. It was like hearing them for the first time, and I was in heaven. It sounds SOOO GOOD! You guys have no idea how long I have needed this. My dad ended up paying for it because my card didnt work. I had all of the money transfered and everything and told him I'd pay him back. He said, "Don't worry about it, you need your money for school. I got it." Fuck that. I hate it when men pull that card. I hate asking my dad for shit. It's not that I feel bad about it, I just know he has a lot of money that he keeps strictly for himself for god knows what reason, and when he can't even give my mom some money.....I don't even want it.




Painting with light....

This is what we talked about today in class, and what we're going to be doing for the next couple weeks. Just kinda brainstormed some ideas and checked out a couple websites. This is the coolest thing ever. I don't know why I didn't think of it before...but be prepared for some coming soon.

Check out this page for more pictures. They also got a lot of really crazy cool shit on this website if you've never heard of it, so check it ouuuuuut.

Thas all I gotzzzz.

Check out my myspace and facebook for some new pics I uploaded....k thanksss!

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