Monday, April 28, 2008


Tonight was a huge disappointment. I went in early to develop my film, did everything perfectly, and STILL showed up with not even 15 pictures, out of 2 rolls. I was so pissed. One of the rolls, I even cheated and just set it to program, and I only got 1 picture from that one. 1! So I had my teacher check out my camera for the 2nd time, and apparently theres some shit on the shutter making it stick together and not open. Here I was thinking I was doing something wrong...
I have to take it in to get cleaned off tomorrow. Its supposed to be sunny all day and our sense of place assignment is due mon, and motion due weds. I'm really excited. The tough one is going to be motion. I want to take pictures of people and during the week they can be hard to find.
I made some prints tonight, but they're not quite perfected yet. Tonights music choice: Michael Jackson. It was awesome. I still need to do some filters/burning and dodging/getting rid of my spots on my film. Hopefully I can get those on here tomorrow before work.
I skipped class last Weds and it totally just threw me off track. I didn't get to hear him talk about pinhole cameras, or watch videos about a famous photographer, or hear about stuff going on during the weekend, or hear him talk about. Man....that really bums me out. I don't think I ever wanna skip class again. I don't really have a good reason as to why I skipped either. I just said, "I don't feel like it" and didn't go.
We watched this old film projector of Henri Cartier Bresson with the tape player being played next to it. It was total 70's, and it was great. He was the one speaking the whole time, and he is the coolest dude ever. The way he views photography is so interesting to me. "The photograph itself doesn't interest me. I want only to capture a minute part of reality." He's a French photographer who was considered to be the father of modern photojournalism, and helped develop street photography. He's traveled all over the world to places like China, India, Mexico, Canada, Japan, and the Soviet Union during 1960-1970. Everything hes photographed hes been known to just be in the right place at the right time.
Here's some of my favorites:

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I'm thinkin about taking Advanced Experimental Photography this summer. My teacher is the one that will be teaching it, and from what he told me it sounds like it'll be bomb. It will be from 10-5 Mon and Weds though. I don't know if I want to do that. I can always take it in the Fall, but I've just been thinkin about it. A part of me wants to just be crazy busy this summer, but I gotta take a break sometime right?


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